It's over. It's okay. You can relax now. (photo: tamingfrenzy.com) For those of you who…
rootsalonDecember 27, 2019

Scent profile ON POINT. (Photo by craftsonfire.com) Each year, we host a little get together…
rootsalonDecember 24, 2019

LOVE this vintage cookbook! Rosemary Shortbread Cookie Recipe (An Experiment) 1 cup butter, softened (use…
rootsalonDecember 13, 2019

Photo by bvnasj.org The Root Salon is hosting a toy drive! This holiday season we…
rootsalonDecember 6, 2019

Image by © Frederic Cirou/PhotoAlto/Corbis Imagine you purchased a top that costs in the $50-$150…
rootsalonNovember 26, 2019
Yummmmmyyyyyyyy As a person who has flexed throughout her life between various meat and dairy…
rootsalonNovember 22, 2019