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Tips & Tricks Tuesday: Outdoor Wellness

By October 23, 2018No Comments

This photo was taken just a week ago in the Phoenix Mountains Preserve (Piestewa Peak area).

Have you been outside lately?

Of course you have! It’s the season here in sunny AZ for hiking, biking, rock climbing, jogging, etc. etc. etc. Isn’t it fabulous?

Before you rush out the door and under the sun for your fave fair-weather outdoor activity, remember that it’s always sunny in Phoenix and you should take a few wellness precautions.

1. Hydrate! Yes, us natives are led to believe that the weather is “cold” but if you’re out in they midday sun, temperatures can still soar. Especially if you’re on a hiking or biking trail away from a water source, dehydration is definitely a concern. Pre-hydrate before you head out and bring plenty of water. If you’re doing a distance activity (hiking, jogging, walking) the best rule of thumb is to head home when your water supply is halfway gone.

2. Protect your skin. Sunscreen, sleeves, wide-brimmed hats are the best way for you to keep that skin healthy. Some of this Valley’s worst burns happen this time of year. The air may be cool but that sun is still blasting your skin!

3. Have a plan. It’s so easy to just keep going and going in this weather. As tempting as it is, it’s safer to make a plan and stick to it. Things like hydration, hunger, and navigation are all tied to your plan so try not to push it unless you’ve made the right preparations for a longer outing.

4. Tell someone your plan. Hikers know that one should always send a text to a trusted family or friend about which trail you are heading to and what time you believe you will return. This is critical information if you should have an injury or get lost.

5. Now get out there, you! Don’t miss our most beautiful weather! Even if you’re not outdoorsy, just spend some time outside. Are you working from home (or blogging)? Head to the porch! It’s good for your mind, body, and soul.


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