Remember this 90s gem? I love it!
As we’re all scrambling for new indoor activities to help us survive summer, I thought of one the other day that is so me: A home horror movie-fest summer!
My love of horror movies spans more than 20 years. It all started with the first horror film I ever saw was as a kid, The Shining. It scared me to death! I couldn’t get enough, though!
As we all know, the late 80s were stock full of choices! From Child’s Play to Poltergeist to Sleepaway Camp…all some of my very favorites.
Then, the 90s happened. In the beginning of the decade, the horror genre pretty much lost its pulse. It was up to one man, and one man alone to revive the dying genre: Kevin Williamson. In the summer of 1995, Miramax purchased the script for Scary Movie written by Williamson. Shortly after, Wes Craven was brought on to direct and the name of the movie was changed to Scream.
Scream single-handedly resuscitated the horror genre. Brought it back to life! The rest is history!
With the revived genre we have seen a healthy flow of horror movies, some even blockbusters! Horror movies are so fun, but there will always be a special place in my heart for Scream (and the other THREE sequels for that matter).
What are your favorites? I think I’ll be curled up on the couch this summer with popcorn, the a/c cranked, and my favorites scary flicks!
Blog by Cullen