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First Date Tips

By February 15, 2019No Comments

Woo! Dating apps galore!
(Photo by Leon Neal/Getty Images)

Okay so us single folks survived Valentine’s Day and we are ready to face the remainder of 2019 and start focusing on ourselves! Whether that means reaching professional goals, eating healthy, signing up for that class, saving up for that vacation, or going on that first date!

With all the online apps out there, it can be quite intimidating and put butterflies in our stomachs. So here are some tips on taking a message on an app to meeting in person in a week or less!

1. Don’t Be Afraid to Make the First Move
Be proactive! You get a like or match speak up and say hey! In this day in age, there is no right or wrong when it comes to a man or woman making the first move, so go for it!

2. Ask open ended questions
Having a flowing banter is a quick way to go from pen pal to seeing if you should move forward or not and gauging your mutual interest (or lack of interest).

3. Be Aware of Red Flags
Always trust your instincts! Often we overlook little things that come about in the beginning of getting to know someone because he/she is hot, successful, or funny. Pay attention and don’t ignore what your gut is telling you.

4. Talk On the Phone
With all the social media, texting, and dating apps, people forget whats it’s like to interact with someone in real time. We forget that voice tone, conversation pace, and the ability to hold a conversation are critical when it comes to reading a person’s compatibility. It also has become something of the past. Before physically meeting someone, make a phone call to see if you connect. Remember it doesn’t have to be long 10-20 minutes, and not everyone is great on the phone!

5. Planning the First Date
First dates shouldn’t be long or have a lot of pressure on them. They should be no more than two hours. Keep it simple and sweet! I wouldn’t recommend anything with a long commitment just in case it doesn’t go well, such as drinks, a walk, or grabbing coffee. You don’t want to get trapped, and it will also leave them wanting more!

6. Have Fun & Stay Positive
Dating takes months, and sometimes years so don’t give up too easily. Take a deep breath, enjoy having fun, and be patient. When it’s meant to be, things will fall into place. So relax and make some memories!

Blog by Hope


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