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We’ve mentioned this before but now that we’ve been staying home for so many workouts for so many months, it’s time we dedicate an entire blog post to our favorite YouTube channel: Yoga with Adriene!

Summer in Phoenix is always a challenging time to continue a workout regimen. Add the pandemic in the mix and it becomes near impossible.

I’m usually a hiker but it’s too tricky to stay the recommended 6+ feet away from people on our narrow, cactus-lined trails. I started running in late spring and while the physical distancing is easy to manage, the heat is too much (early morning and evening don’t work with my parenting schedule). Plus, I run with my dog and I have to be careful about the heat of the street on his paws.

This is always the time of year when I finally give up on anything outdoors and I’m left to hop around my living room carpet for 20 uninspired minutes a day.

But then I remembered Yoga with Adriene and I’m no longer slogging through this drudgery!

Adriene has a yoga session for everything: yoga for toning, yoga for when you have a cold, Yoga for headaches, yoga for runners, yoga for back pain…everything!

I choose a different practice each day depending on my mood and needs. She also has 10-12 minute videos in which she does a slow, deep dive description of just one pose. Twelve minutes of tree pose? Sign. Me. Up!

With everything going on (pandemic, extreme weather, politics, ack!) Yoga with Adriene has literally saved my mind, body, and soul. Give it a try!

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