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Tips & Tricks Tuesday: How I Keep My Sanity

By May 22, 2018No Comments

Katie is one busy (and disciplined) gal!

Between working three days a week and going to school full time, it can be difficult to find time for my social life and physical exercise. Since I need both in order to remain sane, I have learned to maximize the little amount of free time available in my schedule.

Maintaining a routine has been key in my success in the classroom and finding time to hit the gym. I wake up everyday at 6:45am and go to the gym at least four mornings a week. Any and all free time between and after class is spent doing homework.

With this schedule, I am able to finish all of my homework on the days I have class. That way, when I get done with working my ten hour shift at the salon, I am able to go home and relax with a glass of wine. That is, unless I have an exam to study for, which means I skip the wine and head to my favorite late night coffee shops after I get off work.

There are some weeks that don’t offer a lot of time for a social life. But it will be so worth it in December when I reach my goal and graduate with my degree in Public Policy.  I know all of the hard work and discipline will be worth it!

Blog by Katie


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