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By April 3, 2015No Comments
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Itchy scalp. Not okay!

Itchy scalp. Not okay!

Springtime is officially here!!! Isn’t it glorious!?!?!

It’s one of the many reasons why we all live here in sunny Arizona. The flowers are blooming, the sun is shining, and birds are singing. Indeed, February through May is one of the most beautiful times here — often better than anywhere else in the country.

But with all the beauty it has to offer, there is a downside to this time of year: Allergies! Along with the sneezing and coughing comes dry, flaky scalp.

Good news is, us here at The Root Salon pride ourselves at maintaining the integrity of your hair AND scalp. If you’re one of the many suffering from these unlivable conditions, we have just the right product for you: Redken Scalp Relief Shampoo.

Now, this isn’t just any ordinary shampoo because it’s specifically designed to work wonders by alleviating your symptoms. The active ingredient, Pyrithione Zinc, is the wizard behind the curtain. This ingredient is known to fight scalp itching, irritation, redness, and flaking — the very irritations that so many of us are suffering from right now! This product is a great weapon to have in your arsenal when your scalp is screaming for help.

The guidance with this product is simple. Just use it as needed (up to once per day) to keep your scalp free and clear.

Now go out and enjoy the weather free from scalp concerns!

Blog by Jillian Jorgensen

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