OMG drop everything and GO OUTSIDE.
Seriously! Have you seen the weather forecast for the week?
Starting today, we have six days of partly cloudy skies with highs in the mid to low 80s (except for Thursday; just ignore that day). So if you are the type who loves to sneak out for a hike, jog, or bike ride, this may be your last chance before summer!
Too busy, you say?
Here’s a trick I use when I need permission to shift my priorities for some outdoor exercise in amazing weather that will soon be a sad, sad memory as I sweat buckets from merely checking the mailbox. At 10 p.m.
I pick one thing out of my day to not do. Sadly, my “big sacrifice” is usually just a matter of refraining from picking up my phone and wasting 10 minutes here or there to scroll my social media feed. But, often, the cumulative time I would have spent on such an empty activity can amount to a quick slip outside for a 30-minute run or hike.
For people more productive than myself, the shift in priority might be something like not getting the car washed or not folding the bucket of laundry tonight or not responding to those mid-grade priority emails. Those chores will be there all summer long for you to do!
But this weather won’t. So get out there!